POC Management have been performing threat analysis for a major UK brand in the construction and infrastructure arena since August 2015.
The scope of this service is to gather information through Open Source Research on the various threats they may face on their projects that will cause disruption, damage or pose a risk to their personnel. Our Open Source Threat Analysis identifies protester and activist (both physical and online ‘hacktivists’) risks, terrorism, social engineering and professional standards through social media, websites, blogs and forums.
We have also covertly visited public events, including campaign and protestor events, in order to gather public opinion and intelligence. We deliver 3-weekly reports with relevant intelligence and provide a risk matrix, supplemented with emergency threat assessments for new developments.
As part of this we developed the Security Baseline Strategic Threat Assessment considering company-wide business factors and PESTELO (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal and Organisational) factors, while providing recommendations for risk mitigation.
So far, we have been highly effective in providing intelligence for efficient decision making, helping our client take a risk-based approach in the deployment of their security resources and save money in the process.
This threat analysis model is repeated to support our intelligence-led security provisions on all of our security projects.